Groundhog Day marks (approximately) the middle of the period between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox. This tradition is celebrated in many American towns, and even in Canada, however, it is the Phil marmot from Punxsutawney, in the state of Pennsylvania, the most famous, with a tradition of more than a century (specifically since 1887), in which every February 2, an attempt is made to predict the duration of winter by Phil's behavior.

Lastwolf old logo

It was on a snowy winter day, exactly on a February 2nd  back in 2018 -the very same Groundhog Day- when Michael, a leather expert raised on a family that has been in the leather industry for more than 40 years, gather a group of friends and colleagues in Middletown, NY; Gabe who has been in branding, merchandising and customer services with some major chain stores , Ferny a young and talented graphic designer and illustrator and Alex, expert in storytelling and a creator of content value.


Discussing the idea that real leather jackets of great quality should be within reach to everyone, without having to pay excessive prices or suffering imitations of questionable quality, this unique group of people concluded that a strong concept of a great product, which quality could speak for itself, based on a perfect design at fair price was achievable, always keeping in mind family values,  discipline, teamwork, and of course keeping and respecting  the tradition of the handmade Leather Jacket… Lastwolf® was borned!

 Lastwolf final logo

This is how we considered that day the day of the foundation of Lastwolf, coinciding with the day of the groundhog and that for the American and Canadian culture represents not only the prediction of the arrival of spring, but also of change and rebirth of the life itself. The experience of rediscovery, the evolution of ideas and the opportunity that we are given to be able to reinvent ourselves, to be better and to safeguard our traditions.


Join us to celebrate this Groundhog Day the foundation day of this great Lastwolf project, which has given us the opportunity to form our pack.  A pack for which we are and exist.

Happy Birthday Lastwolf!

January 26, 2022 — LastWolf USA

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